26 October 2010

Spain Tour: Sing, Sing, Sing!

It's Tuesday afternoon here in Spain, and we're smack in the middle of our daily siesta (which, by the way, America should definitely adopt). In about an hour we'll head off to Pamplona for a little bit of shopping, then a rehearsal and a concert.

Yesterday, we also had siesta, which was great---and a video was made during that time which you can view on the Salt Lake Vocal Artists facebook page. In the video, the concert from last night is referenced---we sang in a church in Basauri called San Pedro of Eliza.

The concert was very fun and pretty well attended---they definitely liked us and really appreciated our Basque songs. They fed us a very late meal afterwards which we very much appreciated!

Tonight we'll sing in Pamplona and hopefully it will go better than it did yesterday---not that last night was bad, just that there is always room to improve and the competition is approaching very quickly!

Spain is very cold right now but very beautiful. We are happy to be here!

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