It has been a few days since an update, but internet access has been a little bit limited. I apologize!
On Sunday, we flew from Buenos Aires to San Juan. It was one of the nicest flights any of us have ever taken, and the view from the tarmac was lovely.
Upon arrival in San Juan we met with our host families who so graciously let us stay in their homes for two nights. Every single choir member has nothing but fantastic things to say about the people they stayed with. The people of San Juan opened their homes and hearts to us and we are extremely grateful for them! We love them from the bottom of our hearts!
On Monday, some of the choir members went to a workshop with Dr. Allred at the music school for the University of San Juan, where he taught and demonstrated for interested music students. Other choir members had the day free to explore San Juan with their hosts or just relax. That night, we performed in the Auditorio at the university.
The facility was very nice and the audience was very warm and receptive. They treated us to empanadas afterwards and we were all happy about that!
The next morning we hopped a bus for a fairly short ride to Mendoza, where last night we sang in a local LDS Stake Center for an incredibly large audience, most of whom arrived 40 minutes before we were even scheduled to sing! The concert was fantastic and the people were so giving and warm. One even told us, "You sent us to heaven tonight." It feels very good to be able to share our music with people who love it. It's why we do it.
Tonight we have a joint concert with the Grand Prix-winning University of Mendoza choir, and we are very excited to meet with them! Then tomorrow it's back to Buenos Aires for a brief stay before we head even further south to Puerto Madryn. Again, keep praying for our flight---otherwise it's an 18 hour bus ride!
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